Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Third Week of March

I seem to be getting a little behind on my posts! Last week was a little different and weird so I'm still trying to remember what day of the week it is. The first three days were work days and my PI was home from sabbatical. He was in lab helping me and one of the postdocs with an assay we've been struggling with. I think everything is sorted now and it was helpful, but when he's working with you there's no sitting down! I didn't even have time for lunch those days, just enough time to run to the bathroom and shove a granola bar down my throat. I made the mistake of wearing cute shoes on Monday and my feet were in agony by the end of the day. At least it seems like everything is fixed and progress can be made on my project now. That's worth a bit of foot pain.
Then I took Thursday and Friday off. It was Spring Break anyway and I needed a couple of days off just to relax and get some chores done that I'd been putting off. I went to Holub Garden and Greenhouse in Ames and got a couple more plants! I got an orange Lithops and a Euphorbia obesa. I'll post pictures once I put them on my computer. I also up-potted my Rubber Tree because it was really root-bound and getting a little sad. My seedlings are still going and alive, which is good, and some of them are starting to get their leaves and grow a lot. Hopefully they'll make it and get to go outside in May.

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