A lot of stuff has happened since I last updated.
First we had an issue at church, and that compounded with my mounting feelings of not belonging, I decided to stop going for at least a month. I have a lot of complex feelings about the whole thing. The essence of my issues is that I have no problems with God, but I have a lot of problems with a lot of his supposed followers, and I'm not sure where that leaves me. I may consider going to a Unitarian Universalist church, just because they don't hate anyone. I'm not sure.
Second one of our neighbors died. He committed suicide and set his house on fire. He was an old guy who lived alone and has no nearby family, and I feel bad. I wish that I had reached out to him; I don't know if it would have made a difference, but I hate to think that he died thinking nobody cared about him. That is also weighing very heavily on me.
Third, I started tracking my weight and food intake again. I've reached the point where the weight that was easy to lose is gone, and now I have to really push to get down to my goal weight. This could be difficult.
Fourth, work is going well. I have two major experiments that I'm preparing for right now. Both should be started at the end of September. I'm looking forward to getting the results and I'm glad that I'm not bored.
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